Friday, August 10, 2012

Beach Reading

When we are on the beach and everyone is napping, I like to read.  I really like using my Kindle but I notice that most people use real books.  I'm not sure why. I have a cover on my Kindle and  I've dropped it in the sand, been in a sand storm (or so it felt like it), and been rained on and it still works. 

I wonder watching people on the beach, do they always read or is it just a beach thing? I know people buy books just for the beach. Some people read serious books, some the current best sellers, and some beach trash (Come on- we all know what I mean).  I read all kinds of books. What I like about the Kindle is you can get free books downloaded. If they are free and you don't like the book, you can deleted it and not feel bad because you paid for it. Or go to the virtual library and download the book.

I often wonder what makes a book a current best seller. I've read some that I really liked and some I couldn't figure out why people would read it. I haven't read "Fifty Shades of Grey" yet. I know it's provoked many interesting conversations. Some people loved it and read all three books and others couldn't figured out what the fuss was all about.

People read to get a glimpse into other lives, escape the reality of their own life, or read for knowledge.  Or sometimes to read other's blogs!  

People have been reading since society learned how to non-verbally communicate.  We've just advanced in our publishing methods!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

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