Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I was watching the Republican National Convention last night and Ann Romney was speaking about college. She was talking about how their children had the opportunities to go to college and how, for many parents, they do not know how their children is be able to afford to go to college. She also spoke about how many recent graduates are either under or unemployed.

Nash started grad school on Monday. He is fortunate to be able to attend school and it was part of his long-term college goals.  He was saying that the new requirement for some types of engineers, before being able to get their engineering license, they must have xx hours in continuing education, which equates to a Masters degree.

Some of his friends who have graduated from college are gainfully employed but some are underemployed. So whose responsibly is it to help these kids? Most of these grads were excellent students with great grades. The economy is in such disarray that many are unemployed.

She also spoke about student loans. So I did some research.

 "For all borrowers, the average debt in 2011 was $23,300, with 10 percent owing more than $54,000 and 3 percent more than $100,000, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports.

To that end, the Obama administration has given out more grants and loans than ever to more and more college students with the goal of making the United States first among developed nations in college completion. The balance of federal student loans has grown by more than 60 percent in the last five years

Education Department data shows that payments are being made on just 38 percent of the balance of federal student loans, down from 46 percent five years ago. The balances are unpaid because the borrowers are still in school, have postponed payments or have stopped paying altogether.
Nearly one in 10 borrowers who started repayment in 2009 defaulted within two years, the latest data available — about double the rate in 2005.
Still, economists say, growing student debt hangs over the economic recovery like a dark cloud for a generation of college graduates and indebted dropouts. A study of recent college graduates conducted  ... found that 40 percent of the participants had delayed making a major purchase, like a home or car, because of college debt, while slightly more than a quarter had put off continuing their education or had moved in with relatives to save money. Roughly half of the surveyed graduates had a full-time job. "   

Having read this, some students are coming out of college with $23,300 in debt or more, most are repaying their student loans timely, and not making big ticket purchases, because they can't afford to.  They are just struggling to stay afloat in this economy.
Although the loans are at a low interest rate, 5-7% is not considered low in these economic times.  The lenders say that you can consolidate and extend your repayment period, even though, for many I know that have tried were unsuccessful. But the good news is that most are making efforts to repay their debts. Some people feel that the government should forgive student loans. To forgive $902 billion in student loans would have a detrimental effect on the government. 
We all want our children to go to college. We've  promised our boys that they would be debt free when they come out of school. Many people can't make that promise.
So what can we do?

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bunko 4

Well, it was Bunko night again.

Gretchen had me wondering what her big news was - My guesses were either that she was going to be a grandmother (the first of us)  or she had her encounter with JLo.  When I saw Brian at work yesterday, I didn't want to ask him and ruin the surprise.  The big news is that Scott got engaged. So now Gretchen is planning the bachlorette party in New York City next summer.  Congrats to Scott from all of us.

Kathy's new addition is gorgeous.  It was well worth all of the work that went into the design and construction.  She has the wonderful knack of decorating too.  I know she shops alot of TGMaxx and finds beautiful things for her house. Me- I can never find anything.  We decided that most of us are creative-vision deficient. We need everything to be put together and on display for us to see its potential use and charm.  Kathy has these great pieces that all look wonderful in her home.  I definitely think that Kathy should pursue a career as a professional stager.

The winners, which surprisingly I was not one, all enjoyed their gifts - again a creative gift from Kathy.

The conversation was energetic as usual.  Most of us have kids going back to school and college. So some of us will be depressed the next few weeks. Even though Gretchen says she's got a beer ready when she throws Brian out of the car today, I know she'll be missing him!

Next night will be at Terry U's, the queen of extreme crafting.   Until then....

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Project Linus

As some of you know, I donate blankets is a wonderful organization called Project Linus.  The organization sends blankets to various organizations, such as  Children's Hospital, the neo-natal at Magee Womens Hospital, various women's shelters, the local fire departments, etc.  The organizations distribute the blankets to the children and babies.  They need all sizes for different age groups.

Yesterday, I stopped at our local drop off location to leave several bags of blankets that I had made. Wow, was I impressed. The center is an old store front that a local real estate investor donated to the chapter. There were blankets everywhere. It made my heart swell with the charity of others.  There were shelves of blankets ready to go to the neo-natal departments. There were racks and shelves of all types of other blankets - crocheted, knitted, quilted, fleece, etc. Plus there were shelves of donated yarn, fleece, fabric, etc.

Many people will come to the drop off location and cut fleece and fabric to be distributed to sewers. Some will deliver the blankets to the various charities. Some will come just to chat with everyone.

Even if you aren't crafty, there are many ways you can volunteer.  They will accept donations of fabric, fleece, yarn, thread (regular and embroidery), old sewing machines, scissors, pretty much anything you can think of.

So before throwing your un-used items away, consider donating it.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School

Well,  it's that time of year again - Back to School.

The summer seems to always go too fast. Even when the boys were in grade school, I always liked the summer time. It was nice not having to get up early, rush everyone to get ready, do homework, and especially pack lunches. 

And it was nice for the last several years not having to buy lunchboxes. 

Now that the boys are in college, things have changed.  Cody had orientation on Friday so Thursday night, I was getting things together for him -stopped at the store and picked up some groceries to get him by.  Since he's moving into Nash's old apartment, he didn't have much to move in other than his personal stuff.

I jokingly asked the boys if they needed back to school clothes and shoes.

I do, however, pick up the back to school supplies while they are on sale. Between what Nash left at the apartment, Cody had from last year, and I bought this year, I think Cody will  be good to go for the remainder of his college career.  I guess you can never have too many mechanical pencils or pens or notebooks. ( I did quit buying pink erasers several years ago.)

So enjoy the remaining of the summertime that you have left with your kids. People always told me that they grow up fast. And they really do!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, August 10, 2012

Beach Reading

When we are on the beach and everyone is napping, I like to read.  I really like using my Kindle but I notice that most people use real books.  I'm not sure why. I have a cover on my Kindle and  I've dropped it in the sand, been in a sand storm (or so it felt like it), and been rained on and it still works. 

I wonder watching people on the beach, do they always read or is it just a beach thing? I know people buy books just for the beach. Some people read serious books, some the current best sellers, and some beach trash (Come on- we all know what I mean).  I read all kinds of books. What I like about the Kindle is you can get free books downloaded. If they are free and you don't like the book, you can deleted it and not feel bad because you paid for it. Or go to the virtual library and download the book.

I often wonder what makes a book a current best seller. I've read some that I really liked and some I couldn't figure out why people would read it. I haven't read "Fifty Shades of Grey" yet. I know it's provoked many interesting conversations. Some people loved it and read all three books and others couldn't figured out what the fuss was all about.

People read to get a glimpse into other lives, escape the reality of their own life, or read for knowledge.  Or sometimes to read other's blogs!  

People have been reading since society learned how to non-verbally communicate.  We've just advanced in our publishing methods!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, August 3, 2012

Window stickers

Traveling as much as we do, I notice alot of random things on cars. I don't understand the little stick family figures that people put on their rear windows.  Who are they advertising their family to?
My question is for my family, how would I show it on my window?  My boys are 6'5" and 6'6" so would I get two boys figures and one dad or three dadsized ones?  For Koal, he's not a normal sized dog, so would I get a horse figure? People refer to him as a bear. (There was recently a tweet about a neighbor seeing the neighborhood bear being walked)  Are there bear stickers?   Now they have some showing professions. Would I get a mom with a briefcase for me? I like to think of myself as a professional, but I don't carry a briefcase.

How about the Mickey Mouse ears? I think the boys would have had a problem with that, even 10 years ago!

I think about possible safety issues also, showing the world who your family is on the back of your car, as it drives to your house.

I think I'll stick with our empty winodws.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Day

I received this link and thought I'd pass it along.

Personally, I respect Chick-Fil-A for their open opinions. I respect that they are willing to stand behind their beliefs, whether it be closing on Sundays and losing millions of dollars a year or expressing their opposition to gay marriage.

Why are people so angry with them? I'm glad that they are willing to take a stand, especially in a society of wishy washy people. Being politically correct isn't always the right way to be. 

So have an opinion, even if others don't feel the same way. And I'm supporting Chick-Fil-A in their stand.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....