Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School

Well,  it's that time of year again - Back to School.

The summer seems to always go too fast. Even when the boys were in grade school, I always liked the summer time. It was nice not having to get up early, rush everyone to get ready, do homework, and especially pack lunches. 

And it was nice for the last several years not having to buy lunchboxes. 

Now that the boys are in college, things have changed.  Cody had orientation on Friday so Thursday night, I was getting things together for him -stopped at the store and picked up some groceries to get him by.  Since he's moving into Nash's old apartment, he didn't have much to move in other than his personal stuff.

I jokingly asked the boys if they needed back to school clothes and shoes.

I do, however, pick up the back to school supplies while they are on sale. Between what Nash left at the apartment, Cody had from last year, and I bought this year, I think Cody will  be good to go for the remainder of his college career.  I guess you can never have too many mechanical pencils or pens or notebooks. ( I did quit buying pink erasers several years ago.)

So enjoy the remaining of the summertime that you have left with your kids. People always told me that they grow up fast. And they really do!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....


  1. This time of the year is so stressful for me. I used to have such anxiety about the entire school year, juggling homework, afterschool activities, lunches, etc. As a teacher I still do not get the homework thing. Just get done what you need to do in school. You may need an occasional assignment and to study for a test, but really, some go overboard. I know as a teacher, I need to shut my brain off in the evening so I know the kids do also. I too buy more school supplies than needed. My daughter's freshman year I sent so many supplies, that she was able to prank a friend by covering a very large portion of his truck in post it notes. Make every last minute of summer count!

  2. Can't believe summer is nearly over--last year I cried like a baby dropping Brian off; this year I think I will just slow the car down and he can jump out!! Just kidding ( a little); I said last year while I was crying he was popping open a can of beer; this year we will popping one at the same time; I have some exciting news to tell al of my Bunko Buddis on Thursday!! See you then!

  3. Fran, I think you, as a parent and a teacher, understand the homework thing. I've also never understood why teachers would give students hours of homework at night. I remember looking at both of the boys struggling to get it done, and not for lack of attention on their part. I was talking to a fiend this past weekend, who is a retired teacher, and she said that even though she misses the hustle and bustle of the new school year, she's enjoying her retirement. She said that she's happy living the excitement of the new school year through her friends.

    I don't think that Brian is willing to jump out of the car for you Gretchen. I see him when I stop in the store. It's amzaing how mature they all are. You got my curiosity peaked. Wondering what the news is!
