Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Fran had sent me this link for Duquense Light and their Watt Choices program.  I'm not sure if other utility companies are offering something similiar.  After completing their 10 minutes energy audit, they had suggestions for saving energy. Most of them were pretty typical.  After completing the survey, they will also send you a energy saving package. What I received in the mail after 7-10 days was 4 of the new light bulbs, 2 night nights, and a great power surge protector.

It was well worth my 10 minutes.


Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Beach 2

This weekend was World Ocean Day. I thought the photos on the site were very interesting. It makes you think about how our actions effect the environment.

plastic in ocean
Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic. Broken down bits of plastic the size of a fingernail are floating across thousands of miles of open ocean, and are ingested by fish, birds and other animals. Love the ocean and reduce your plastic consumption. See the following for more pictures and the remaining article

If you enjoy the beach, you might like this website too. Check out the stores on the site. They have some really neat and funky beach items.  I might be spending some money decorating. There's a lot of craft ideas also. I have some ideas that I think I'll be making.  Too bad I don't have a summer Bunko night because I think I know what the theme would be.

Thanks Crystal for sending me the link.

Talking about crafts, I saw that TLC is going to have a new show - Crafters Wars.  Really- that was my idea. I think we should all nominate Terry U to be on the show. I would be willing to be her assistant. The blurb on TV didn't show too much but I would be curious to see what the show is all about.

  Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, June 8, 2012


I was in DSW shoes last week and bought a great pair of boots on sale for more than 50% off and a purse for a function we were attending. I really didn't like the purse but thought I'd get it anyway in case I didn't find something I liked better.  And of course, I had a coupon. Actually it was a $10 rewards coupon. 

I decided to return the purse the next day. The cashier informed me that I would not be getting my entire purchase price back but less part of the reward coupon or $4.70 less.  I said her that it was ridiculous since the rewards coupon should have been taken off the bottom line not a % if each item. She told me that in the future, if I think I might return an item, I should ring the purchases up separately.

While I was in line, I was talking to the next customer, who also had a return. She agreed, saying that had she known the return policy, she would have had the cashier ring her items up separately.  Being irritated at the entire situation, I pondered returning the boots at a later date, but figured I'd spend $5 in gas to prove a point which the company really has no plans of changing. 

I could understand if it was a coupon for a % off of purchase, but when it's a rewards coupon, it's more of an incentive for you to buy.

I  emailed DSW my opinion, and surprisingly, weeks later, I heard back from them.  They stated that it was an individual store policy and I should talk to the store manager.

Another lesson learned.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I just spent a long weekend with the boys down at the beach. Every time I walk into the house, I say that I love this place. Between the sun  sand, and laid back attitude, I wonder why we don't live year round. Yes, I would miss family and friends but I think I would be a happier person. Something about waking up when it's sunny and warm out as compared to rainy and dreary in Pittsburgh. I have to admit that I don't like the really hot weather. 80 and sunny is perfect for me.

Everyone knows that  exercise isn't one of my favorite things to do. Something about being hot and sweaty... 

For years, I've been saying that we should get bikes. For Christmas, the boys all bought me a pink beach bike for the beach.  We also decided to get the boys beach bikes. We thought that it was going to be hard to find them. First we tried Walmart and they had all kinds of beach bikes. We were so excited.

Now we go on daily bike rides throughout the neighborhood. It doesn't feel like exercise at all!!


This is our house.

One of our favoritve places is to sit under the house, especially at night. It always has a nice breeze blowing

This is our walk to the ocean.
Not too bad. The golf cart (or beach bikes!) makes it faster!


Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an

American Dream Family.....


Friday, June 1, 2012


The Post office has been running commercials on TV about how great the US Postal Service is and how they want to sustain jobs. I thought it was interesting since they are considering closing so many of the stores. But with email and faxes, I guess less mail is going thru the post office.

Maybe the cuts are due to the poor service the postal workers give. The Counter people are crabby and less than enthusiastic at our local branch.  I have never understood the theory behind "going postal". It's climate controlled and what stress. I'm sure they have their share of demanding customers, but really, how bad could they be!  I do feel for the mail carriers out in the weather and climate. But they knew that was part of the job duties when they signed up for that job. 

There are fewer and fewer neighborhood mailboxes around. You have to drive to the post office to mail a letter. Some mail carriers won't even take mail that you leave out in your mailbox for them. I recently had a letter returned with 1 cent postage due. It was a normal envelope with two pieces of paper. I was going to question the Post Office why it was returned but the line at the counter was out the door.  I pulled the yellow postage due sticker off and re-sent it. It hasn't come back again yet.  Another time, an envelope was returned because I sent it First class instead of Parcel post. Sorry I paid the extra money for quicker service.

We've all gotten envelopes torn to shreds. Machines to blame.  At our office, sometimes the mailman will just put all of the tenants mail in one mail box, leaving us to sort it all.

We know alot of people who work for the post office. Yes, we feel bad that some of them have had to leave their families and move to other parts of the country to keep their Federal jobs. And I'm sure many of the carriers are wonderful and care about their jobs.  But apparently, there are some major issues. 

Would the services be better if it was a privately or publicly held company instead of government run?

  Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....