Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tax Day

It's that dreaded tax day, even though I'm not sure why it's on April 17 and not the 16th. Something about it being a holiday in the District of Columbia and nowhere else. Politicians!

Everyone hates tax day and I can't say that I blame them.  Tax returns are cumbersome. They take lots of time to gather all of the information and forms you need and to fill them out. We are, of course, all excited when we are getting money back - the sooner, the better. But if we owe, today is the mailing date! I always thought it was interesting that people wait until today to complete and file their returns. Years ago, the post offices would stay open late so people could drop their returns off as late as 11:59pm.  I'm not sure they still do that, with so many people filing online.

I decided early on that I was not cut out to be a tax accountant. Sorry- but that was not what I wanted to do with my life. Something about 65 hour work weeks for a couple months during tax season wasn't my thing.  I still dread getting tax info together for our accountant.

My next least favorite tax thing is the FASFA form. Everyone with someone in college knows what that is.  I want to know what student can actually fill that out successfully without parent help  Besides, I don't the boys knowing what our tax returns look like, all 38 pages!  But one nice thing is now, if you file online, your tax info is automatically downloaded onto the form.

Anyways - hoping that everyone has gotten their taxes filed- if not, I hope the extension request has been submitted!!

A special Happy 22nd Birthday to Nate!!!   xoxo

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, filing taxes has always been stressful. That’s why I’m extremely grateful to the internet for making things a whole lot easier. Cloud storage, for example, has enabled many to store their files into a virtual storage, minimizing the risk of losing their documents. While I think there’s still a lot that needs to be put into the tax code, I’m happy that filing taxes is becoming more convenient.

    Kathy Gregory
