Monday, November 19, 2012


Ok- I've been quiet for about 2 weeks.  My dissapointment in 52% of  my fellow Americans who voted back in our Preisdent has somewhat subsided.  Really- all I can say is I hope that they are happy with their current financial situation because it is not going to get any better in the next 4 years. It will only get worse. The election could be debated for the next 4 years but I'll move onto something else.

How about Thanksgiving? I'm sitting here deciding on what to say.  Holidays are supposed  to be about families, getting together and enjoying each other.  So why does everyone complain about the Holidays? We'll get together with family, who we see a few times a year.  In my younger years, I wished we had the Norman Rockwell type family, who got together often, shared memories and stories, etc. But I've decided family is what it is. If it means only getting together a few times a year, and getting through the awkward moments and situations, then that is what it is. I know that with my boys, we will maintain the closeness that we all share. We have our own holiday memories- something about singing and dancing in the kitchen on Christmas Eve when everyone leaves  :)  but that's our memories. 

As for Black Friday, it was fun 20-25 years ago when it wasn't it's own holiday.  Persoanlly, I don't go anywhere near the stores.  I think I can get as good prices the day before Thanksgiving or during the pre-Holiday season.  I'm really not about crowds.

So to everyone,  enjoy your Thanksgiving. (And finally admit to your mother that you don't like Pumpkin pie).

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

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