I never had a "bucket list". I guess there were always things I wanted to do, but yes, that has changed over the years. When I was in my 40's, Joe was going to surprise me with a car driving lesson at Richard Petty driving school in NC. When I looked less than excited, he said that I mentioned years ago that it was something I would love to do. I was probably 25 when I said it. Now, I am older and more mature, and no longer wanted to do something that involved speed, possible injury...
Things I've done:
- Married a great guy
- Raised my sons and saw them get into great colleges.
- Have some wonderful friends
- Got my ears pierced last year. I am a needle phobic so this was a really big deal for me.
- Got contacts (that same phobia thing with foreign objects being in my eyes)
- Spent time on a Caribbean Island.
- Visited New York City
- Created a website
- Start a successful blog (We'll see that goes)
- See the boys play a lacrosse game against each other. (Feb 11 is the scrimmage date)
- Go west and see the Grand Canyon. We have never done a West trip and I think I would be wonderful to see all of nature's glory.
- Visit Napa Valley on a wine tasting trip. Even though I'm not a wine connoisseur by any means, the trip would be a great source of wine (and information)
- Publish a cookbook.
- Spend an entire summer at the beach
- Write a book.
- Take cooking lessons in Italy.
- Have a closet just for shoes.
- Get my MBA
- Retire by 55 and buy vacation rental properties
- Play with my great grandchildren
Things not on my list:
- Any type of extreme sports - helio skiing, climbing Mt Everest, running a marathon, jumping out of a perfectly fine airplane, etc.
- Visiting really remote places. I'm all about indoor plumbing, climate controlled environments, and not having animals and insects in my space.
Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....
I really enjoy reading your blog