Monday, February 6, 2012

Bucket List

Does your Bucket List change as you get older?

I never had a "bucket list". I guess there were always things I wanted to do, but yes, that has changed over the years.  When I was in my 40's, Joe was going to surprise me with a car driving lesson at Richard Petty driving school in NC. When I looked less than excited, he said that I mentioned years ago that it was something I would love to do.  I was probably 25 when I said it. Now, I am older and more mature, and no longer wanted to do something that involved speed, possible injury...

Things I've done:  
  • Married a great guy
  • Raised my sons and saw them get into great colleges.
  • Have some wonderful friends
  • Got my ears pierced last year.  I am a needle phobic so this was a really big deal for me.
  • Got contacts (that same phobia thing with foreign objects being in my eyes)
  • Spent time on a Caribbean Island.
  • Visited New York City
  • Created a website
Things on my list:
  • Start a successful blog (We'll see that goes)
  • See the boys play a lacrosse game against each other. (Feb 11 is the scrimmage date)
  • Go west and see the Grand Canyon.  We have never done a West trip and I think I would be wonderful to see all of nature's glory.
  • Visit Napa Valley on a wine tasting trip. Even though I'm not a wine connoisseur by any means, the trip would be a great source of wine (and information)
  • Publish a cookbook.
  • Spend an entire summer at the beach
  • Write a book.
  • Take cooking lessons in Italy.
  • Have a closet just for shoes.
  • Get my MBA
  • Retire by 55 and buy vacation rental properties
  • Play with my great grandchildren

Things not on my list:
  • Any type of extreme sports - helio skiing, climbing Mt Everest, running a marathon, jumping out of a perfectly fine airplane, etc.
  • Visiting really remote places. I'm all about indoor plumbing, climate controlled environments, and not having animals and insects in my space.
I'm sure this list will continually change. I'll keep updating as I add or delete.  What is on your bucket list and does it constantly change?

       Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

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