Thursday, February 16, 2012

Absolute Minimum Pricing

I was really surprised to see that JC Penney's is changing their sales practices. I have to agree with them. This past holiday season was ridiculous with the sales, coupons, rewards, etc. As a consumer, it was great but I think the retailers lost money. I also think that returns after the holidays was confusing for the buyer as well as the retailer.

Many years ago before Kaufmanns was purchased by Macy, I thought that they should go to the Absolute Minimum Pricing theory. They too were having sales every week, always had coupons, and had clearance sales. Who as a customer wants to buy anything full price if you know it will be on sale tomorrow or next day. I know I never did and still never do. I thought Kaufmanns should have reduced their prices to their minimum pricing (a reasonable price for them and the customer), run sales four times a year, one for after every season- winter, spring, summer and fall, and clearance out any items still left over after the season sales. It seems as though this is similar to what Penney's is going to do. I'm curious to see if other retailers will follow suit.

We, as consumers, will have to re-train ourselves in our thinking. I know I am always out for the best price. With Penney's, you'll have to take your chances if you don't purchase immediately and hope the product is still there when you go back again.  But isn't that with all retailers. Do you buy today with a coupon or wait until tomorrow when the sale price is lower!

      Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

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