Couple of my favorites are The Grinch (both versions are classics), The Christmas Story (because everyone thought Cody looked like Ralphie when he was little), Elf (it's just simply fun), National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (there are too many ridiculous moments), plus many others.
I've never been a "Its a Wonderful Life" fan. I know- some of you will boo me for that. The Home Alone movies just make me want to yell "Kevin". The Christmas Carol is a dark, scary movie. Alot of Lifetime and Hallmark movies make me cry.
Charlie Brown's Christmas tree makes everyone remember the movie. I like Snoppy pretending that he's a vulture, Schoeder's classic piano, and Pigpen's dirt cloud.
The newer "Santa Clause" movies are fun too. It's like Santa meets Tool Time.
But my favorite Christmas movies are what we call "Nash and Cody movies". When the boys were younger, they would ask to watch their movies. These are the best. We laugh at everyone's antics, clothes, my hair, and how cute they were in their pjs.
So what if Christmas movies can be a bit sappy? They warm our hearts, restore our faith in humanity and generally bring joy to the world. So choose a few of your favorites, pop some popcorn and enjoy some family time.
Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....
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