Sunday, December 16, 2012

Acts of Kindness

Mom and I were going shopping and decided to run through McDonald's for a quick bite to eat.  After ordering and pulling through to pay, the cashier said that the car in front of us paid for us too.  She said that the other driver said that she knew me.  I didn't recognize the car but thought she'd pull over after she got her order, so that I could thank her for buying. After paying, she just drove away.  It took a few minutes of confusion on my part to realize that it was just a random act of kindness. 

So now I've been waiting to do the same for someone else...

The best part of this was that it was totally unexpected.

So, during this Holiday season, do something unexpected for a total stranger.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, November 30, 2012

Merry Christmas

May you find  the love and peace of the Christmas season!

Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us


Christmas movies

I'm sitting here watching Christmas movies.  Have to love the 25 days of Christmas.  It's amazing just how many movies there are. 

Couple of my favorites are The Grinch (both versions are classics), The Christmas Story (because everyone thought Cody looked like Ralphie when he was little), Elf (it's just simply fun), National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (there are too many ridiculous moments), plus many others. 

I've never been a "Its a Wonderful Life" fan.  I know- some of you will boo me for that.  The Home Alone movies just make me want to yell "Kevin".  The Christmas Carol is a dark, scary movie. Alot of Lifetime and Hallmark movies make me cry.

Charlie Brown's Christmas tree makes everyone remember the movie. I like Snoppy pretending that he's a vulture, Schoeder's classic piano, and Pigpen's dirt cloud.

The newer "Santa Clause" movies are fun too.  It's like Santa meets Tool Time.

But my favorite Christmas movies are what we call "Nash and Cody movies". When the boys were younger, they would ask to watch their movies.  These are the best.  We laugh at everyone's antics, clothes, my hair, and how cute they were in their pjs.

So what if Christmas movies can be a bit sappy? They warm our hearts, restore our faith in humanity and generally bring joy to the world. So choose a few of your favorites, pop some popcorn and enjoy some family time.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, November 19, 2012


Ok- I've been quiet for about 2 weeks.  My dissapointment in 52% of  my fellow Americans who voted back in our Preisdent has somewhat subsided.  Really- all I can say is I hope that they are happy with their current financial situation because it is not going to get any better in the next 4 years. It will only get worse. The election could be debated for the next 4 years but I'll move onto something else.

How about Thanksgiving? I'm sitting here deciding on what to say.  Holidays are supposed  to be about families, getting together and enjoying each other.  So why does everyone complain about the Holidays? We'll get together with family, who we see a few times a year.  In my younger years, I wished we had the Norman Rockwell type family, who got together often, shared memories and stories, etc. But I've decided family is what it is. If it means only getting together a few times a year, and getting through the awkward moments and situations, then that is what it is. I know that with my boys, we will maintain the closeness that we all share. We have our own holiday memories- something about singing and dancing in the kitchen on Christmas Eve when everyone leaves  :)  but that's our memories. 

As for Black Friday, it was fun 20-25 years ago when it wasn't it's own holiday.  Persoanlly, I don't go anywhere near the stores.  I think I can get as good prices the day before Thanksgiving or during the pre-Holiday season.  I'm really not about crowds.

So to everyone,  enjoy your Thanksgiving. (And finally admit to your mother that you don't like Pumpkin pie).

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Well, Frankenstorm has come and gone, leaving its path of destruction along the way. 

Fortunately, here in Pittsburgh, we only got a ton of rain but not everyone was so lucky.  I feel so bad for the people in NYC, NJ and MD. It will take years to re-build what has been destroyed.

Thanks to everyone who texted or emailed making sure we were all OK here.

Up to the mountains and into West Virginia, they got tons of snow. Snowshoe is considering opening early for skiers.  We are going to head up the mountains to check on everything.  It's always exciting to see the first snow.

So what does everyone think about Halloween festivities being cancelled until the weekend? Personally, I could see in the hard hit areas. But around here, so what if it is raining or snowing? As kids, we went trick-or-treating in all kinds of weather.  My mom would always make sure that whatever our costume, we could wear a winter coat or rain jacket under it.  I also remember the Halloween of 1991 and the big snow fall that we had because it was Nash's first Halloween that we were going to take him around to the neighbors. Sure, its wonderful when the weather cooperates and you can stop and visit with neighbors along the way.

But are we, as overprotective parents who want everything perfect, ruining these children holidays?  Aren't these part of the memories, that trudging through snow up neighbors sidewalks to get candy or your candy bag being soaked from rain?

Happy Halloween to all!!
Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pink Ribbon Month

We all know that it's Breast Cancer Awareness month so I'm going to put my two-cents worth in and tell everyone to schedule their mammograms. (OK guys- you can stop reading here!!)

The doctors say that you should schedule your first mammogram by age 40, if there is no family history to do so earlier.  I waited until I was 45 to have my first and shouldn't have waited so long.  Long story short,  after multiple mammograms, sonograms, biopsies and surgery, everything was benign, but it was a long 3-4 months to get those results.  Every year, when I schedule my appointment, I always have the "what if" thoughts. Yes, I've had further biopsies over the years, but they say early diagnosis is the best, so call today!!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bike Week

Joe and I were down the beach last weekend for Fall bike week.  Joe sure knows how to treat a girl right. We went to the Rat Hole, Spokes and Bones, and the Beaver Bar. We ate dinner at the Dead Dog Saloon.  Actually we had a good time.  This bike week is different than spring. It's mostly "older" couples (like our age), basically professionals living the biker life. And no, I don't do leather chaps or halters.

Chad (aka Kenny) and Crystal, our beach neighbors, were out and about with us. I felt better having another female with me at these places.  The bars weren't that bad.  I was only uncomfortable at Spokes and Bones. It seemed to be more of a hard core biker bar.  I was having thoughts of the "Wild Hogs" movie.

Of course the weather is warm and sunny.  Anything to be away from Pittsburgh's 40's and rainy.

My idea of bike week.....

Just kidding. Here's a pic of Joe's Harley

Have a fun and safe day

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I know- I've been quiet for a few weeks. Really nothing has inspired me to write until now.

Some of you know that Cody's back has been bothering him. He finally got an appointment with a back specialist at UPMC and he's on his way to feeling better (hopefully), but I digress. I'll keep you posted on his back progress.

Since his back's been hurt, he hasn't been able to physically practice with the lacrosse team but he goes to practice every day.  Last Sunday, he was heading to the locker room and he got hit in the face with a stray lacrosse ball.  He came home and I took him to a Med Express. They said they weren't sure whether or not his nose was broken but to go see a Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor. 

We went to a ENT in Greensburg on Friday and was told it was broken. He had three options- do nothing (which the doctor said wasn't the answer), have an inter office procedure done where they will straighten the broken bones, or third, have surgery, what was to best option according to the doctor.  This ENT, a Dr Klingensmith, was the most socially awkward person I've ever met. He spoke with his eyes closed. He never answered our questions and acted like we were wasting his time asking questions.  Cody and I left the appointment totally confused, knowing that we had no confidence in this man.  So we decided on a second opinion. 

We realized that we had a limited time period to make a decision since the bones were healing, making any procedures more difficult.

So before the second doctor appointment, we told Cody not to eat or drink anything for several hours before in case they would do the surgery that  day.

Our second doctor, sat down, made eye contact with us and asked questions.  He asked if Cody's nose bled when it was hit, if it turned black and blue and if it looks crooked.  Cody answered no to 2 of the 3 questions.  Before reviewing the xrays, he said that he didn;t think it was broke.  After looking at the xrays, he said that it was definitely not broke.  We were shocked.  He showed us the xrays to confirm his opinion.

So here we were, anticipating the worse and that Cody would be having some sort of procedure done. If we had not gone for a second opinion, Cody would have been having surgery with a 4 week recovery.  What would the fist doctor had said when the surgery team was supposed to be repairing a nose, and it was perfectly fine!!!

  We asked the second doctor and he said, (very PC), that he couldn't second guess another doctors opinion.

So as a consumer, what do you do???   Joe thought we should contact the first doctor's office manager and complain.  Someone told me we should contact our insurance company and complain about him.

Not sure what we are doing to do  --- I'm just glad Cody didn't have to suffer through an unnecessary surgery.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a (now happily, overprotective, asks lots of questions)  mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bunko 5

Last week was our monthly Bunko night. Terry U was our gracious host. Her theme was a floral shop design, so fitting for her.  Being the overachiever she is, she had flowers everywhere, even in her newly built enclosed porch/room.  The room is a wonderful addition to her home's living space.  Everyone remarked on how spotless her windows were!!

The winning prizes were of course flowers, all arranged in reusable hot/cold "baskets".  Tina and Patty had a competition going for the 1st place roses gift.  Of course, as usual, I didn't win anything. But at least I've won once, unlike Donna.  If she doesn't win soon, I think we'll have to give her a special gift at the end of the year!

Next month is my turn and I hope I can live up to all of the expectations created by the past hostesses. I think with all of the testosterone in my house, I may have to go with a all girl, feminine theme.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I found this on another blog and laughed until I cried. I know the boys will think this is humorous especially #14.  Joe will like #4. I personally can relate to #23, especially the black and blue marks on my feet from Koal stepping on me.

Everyone knows Koal is big, furry, and drools.  But this really sums it up well!


How To Tell If You Are Ready For A Newfoundland

(Borrowed from

1) Lift a hundred pound bag of wet sand up and down the stairs

2) Push a hundred pound bag of wet sand into your car

3) Borrow a pony and purchase a Dremel and practice dremeling the pony's hooves while on your hands and sure to remember to give him carrots

4) Smear hair gel all over your walls and throw it on the ceiling and TV, while you are at it...smear the lower half of all windows, curtains, and glass doors

5) Wear old football cleats and run and slide on your wood floors

6) Smear your toilet seat in more gel and bits of mulch and grass

7) Throw away all light colored dress clothes, purses, and shoes

8) Rub fur and gel into the roof of your vehicle

9) Drip lotion out of the windows and down the sides of your car

10) At least twice daily drop that bag of wet sand on your bare foot

11) Shake balls of fur, mulch, and a bucket of dirt all over your house daily (add water for rainy days) for variety add bits of toilet paper, shaving cream, and feathers

12) Throw chains and some of that gel on your stainless steel appliances

13) Stand on your dishwasher door while it is opened

14) Practice repeating ", it's not a Black Great Pyrennes..150 pounds....4-8 cups a, I don't have a saddle" over and over with a smile

15) Volunteer at the zoo to help wash the large animals and clean up their poop

16) Invite your friends over and have them all try to get in the bathroom while you are using it

17) Throw muddy wet rocks on the floor and walk on it in bare feet in the dark, you may not scream or you will wake someone

18) Have someone operate a chain saw outside your bedroom door all night...record this and play it every night right next to your ear

19) Take a nice long piece of rubber hose and go around smacking all the coffee mugs off the end-tables and hit any close male in the privates and just smack your own legs a few times, too.

20) Take shampoo, egg whites, and a gal of water and make big pools on your tile through this windmilling your arms and yelling whoopeee!

21) Pull back your sheets and fill your bed with a bag of yard clippings and sand, add a branch and a bone..... carefully re-make your bed...smear your pillow with hair gel

22) Practice sleeping on the outside 6" of your bed with no pillow and that wet bag of sand next to you...your blankets are to be under the bag of sand

23) Practice telling people that your husband does NOT beat you, that those bruises are from your dogs

24) Stuff your washer with your best bedding and another one of those bags of yard clippings and hair.....add a couple of branches and bones and run

25) Remove your normal dryer vent and just run a temporary hose out your laundry window for venting hair

26) Without smiling, offer to drive your friends for a dressy night out

27) Bend all your eye-glasses and smear with more of that gel

28) Invest in a vacuum company

29) Invest in a dog food company

30) Purchase a vacation home for your veterinarian

31) Walk around your grocery store talking loudly on your cell phone saying BITCH and SPERM COUNT and BITCH PANTIES and IMPORTED SEMEN over and over

32) Take Rosanne Barr to your next school event and hold hands with her while she sings the national proudly!

33) Lay a sand bag in front of your sink, in front of the refrigerator and in front of the dishwasher.. cook for 10 guests

34) Stand at your back door from dawn til dark opening and closing it


Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Self Checkouts

My latest grumble- And I've grumbled about this before are Self Checkouts in stores.

There are two thoughts to these lanes.  One is it should be faster than a checkout manned with a cashier, if the store is really busy.

And two, you don't have to deal with a crabby cashier if you aren't in the mood.

Yesterday I stopped in Giant Eagle to pick up a few things. I stopped in one that I generally don't go to because I'm not a fan. But it was next to the Home Depot.  Needless to say, there were lines everywhere - 5-6 people deep.  So I opted for the self checkout with my 25+ items, which include 15 Powerade bottles.  The line went fast, even though the two people ahead of me had to get a manager for help with problems.  Then there was me.

I scanned all of my items. Of course, three things wouldn't scan. So I set them aside and waited for help. During which, I grumbled with the woman waiting behind me. We both complained that if they want you to use a self checkout, they should make sure everything scans properly.  I also said that why do they put 30 checkout in if they are only going to open half of them.  The help came and got my items scanned. Then when it was time to pay, I kept getting an error message that I was over my item limit.  Really?  So the first manager came over and tried to override it several times.  Then a second manager came over to no avail.  Finally, they asked if I could step up to a different register for a third manager to try.  Ok - by now, I'm getting angry and embarrassed. I feel like everyone is watching, wondering how many other credit cards  I'm going to try before one works.  And of course, to make it worse, I know several people in line. What they don't know I'm still trying my only debit card. The third manager is polite and says he doesn't understand why the error message is coming up.  I tell him that I've had really large orders before and never had a problem.  Finally, he overrides the register and everything works out. By then, I'd like to yell to everyone watching that yes, I'm not overdrawn on my credit cards, and that it was a register error.

This is just one more reason for me not to go back into that store.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This link was an ad attached to one of of my blogs.  It promotes the chocolate lovers dream.

I'm not promoting this product in any way and do not personally know anything about. But thought it was amazing how good they say chocolate is for you. If any of it is half true, I would be the healthiest person around!!

Patty- maybe this is the way to boost your sales!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I was watching the Republican National Convention last night and Ann Romney was speaking about college. She was talking about how their children had the opportunities to go to college and how, for many parents, they do not know how their children is be able to afford to go to college. She also spoke about how many recent graduates are either under or unemployed.

Nash started grad school on Monday. He is fortunate to be able to attend school and it was part of his long-term college goals.  He was saying that the new requirement for some types of engineers, before being able to get their engineering license, they must have xx hours in continuing education, which equates to a Masters degree.

Some of his friends who have graduated from college are gainfully employed but some are underemployed. So whose responsibly is it to help these kids? Most of these grads were excellent students with great grades. The economy is in such disarray that many are unemployed.

She also spoke about student loans. So I did some research.

 "For all borrowers, the average debt in 2011 was $23,300, with 10 percent owing more than $54,000 and 3 percent more than $100,000, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reports.

To that end, the Obama administration has given out more grants and loans than ever to more and more college students with the goal of making the United States first among developed nations in college completion. The balance of federal student loans has grown by more than 60 percent in the last five years

Education Department data shows that payments are being made on just 38 percent of the balance of federal student loans, down from 46 percent five years ago. The balances are unpaid because the borrowers are still in school, have postponed payments or have stopped paying altogether.
Nearly one in 10 borrowers who started repayment in 2009 defaulted within two years, the latest data available — about double the rate in 2005.
Still, economists say, growing student debt hangs over the economic recovery like a dark cloud for a generation of college graduates and indebted dropouts. A study of recent college graduates conducted  ... found that 40 percent of the participants had delayed making a major purchase, like a home or car, because of college debt, while slightly more than a quarter had put off continuing their education or had moved in with relatives to save money. Roughly half of the surveyed graduates had a full-time job. "   

Having read this, some students are coming out of college with $23,300 in debt or more, most are repaying their student loans timely, and not making big ticket purchases, because they can't afford to.  They are just struggling to stay afloat in this economy.
Although the loans are at a low interest rate, 5-7% is not considered low in these economic times.  The lenders say that you can consolidate and extend your repayment period, even though, for many I know that have tried were unsuccessful. But the good news is that most are making efforts to repay their debts. Some people feel that the government should forgive student loans. To forgive $902 billion in student loans would have a detrimental effect on the government. 
We all want our children to go to college. We've  promised our boys that they would be debt free when they come out of school. Many people can't make that promise.
So what can we do?

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bunko 4

Well, it was Bunko night again.

Gretchen had me wondering what her big news was - My guesses were either that she was going to be a grandmother (the first of us)  or she had her encounter with JLo.  When I saw Brian at work yesterday, I didn't want to ask him and ruin the surprise.  The big news is that Scott got engaged. So now Gretchen is planning the bachlorette party in New York City next summer.  Congrats to Scott from all of us.

Kathy's new addition is gorgeous.  It was well worth all of the work that went into the design and construction.  She has the wonderful knack of decorating too.  I know she shops alot of TGMaxx and finds beautiful things for her house. Me- I can never find anything.  We decided that most of us are creative-vision deficient. We need everything to be put together and on display for us to see its potential use and charm.  Kathy has these great pieces that all look wonderful in her home.  I definitely think that Kathy should pursue a career as a professional stager.

The winners, which surprisingly I was not one, all enjoyed their gifts - again a creative gift from Kathy.

The conversation was energetic as usual.  Most of us have kids going back to school and college. So some of us will be depressed the next few weeks. Even though Gretchen says she's got a beer ready when she throws Brian out of the car today, I know she'll be missing him!

Next night will be at Terry U's, the queen of extreme crafting.   Until then....

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Project Linus

As some of you know, I donate blankets is a wonderful organization called Project Linus.  The organization sends blankets to various organizations, such as  Children's Hospital, the neo-natal at Magee Womens Hospital, various women's shelters, the local fire departments, etc.  The organizations distribute the blankets to the children and babies.  They need all sizes for different age groups.

Yesterday, I stopped at our local drop off location to leave several bags of blankets that I had made. Wow, was I impressed. The center is an old store front that a local real estate investor donated to the chapter. There were blankets everywhere. It made my heart swell with the charity of others.  There were shelves of blankets ready to go to the neo-natal departments. There were racks and shelves of all types of other blankets - crocheted, knitted, quilted, fleece, etc. Plus there were shelves of donated yarn, fleece, fabric, etc.

Many people will come to the drop off location and cut fleece and fabric to be distributed to sewers. Some will deliver the blankets to the various charities. Some will come just to chat with everyone.

Even if you aren't crafty, there are many ways you can volunteer.  They will accept donations of fabric, fleece, yarn, thread (regular and embroidery), old sewing machines, scissors, pretty much anything you can think of.

So before throwing your un-used items away, consider donating it.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School

Well,  it's that time of year again - Back to School.

The summer seems to always go too fast. Even when the boys were in grade school, I always liked the summer time. It was nice not having to get up early, rush everyone to get ready, do homework, and especially pack lunches. 

And it was nice for the last several years not having to buy lunchboxes. 

Now that the boys are in college, things have changed.  Cody had orientation on Friday so Thursday night, I was getting things together for him -stopped at the store and picked up some groceries to get him by.  Since he's moving into Nash's old apartment, he didn't have much to move in other than his personal stuff.

I jokingly asked the boys if they needed back to school clothes and shoes.

I do, however, pick up the back to school supplies while they are on sale. Between what Nash left at the apartment, Cody had from last year, and I bought this year, I think Cody will  be good to go for the remainder of his college career.  I guess you can never have too many mechanical pencils or pens or notebooks. ( I did quit buying pink erasers several years ago.)

So enjoy the remaining of the summertime that you have left with your kids. People always told me that they grow up fast. And they really do!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, August 10, 2012

Beach Reading

When we are on the beach and everyone is napping, I like to read.  I really like using my Kindle but I notice that most people use real books.  I'm not sure why. I have a cover on my Kindle and  I've dropped it in the sand, been in a sand storm (or so it felt like it), and been rained on and it still works. 

I wonder watching people on the beach, do they always read or is it just a beach thing? I know people buy books just for the beach. Some people read serious books, some the current best sellers, and some beach trash (Come on- we all know what I mean).  I read all kinds of books. What I like about the Kindle is you can get free books downloaded. If they are free and you don't like the book, you can deleted it and not feel bad because you paid for it. Or go to the virtual library and download the book.

I often wonder what makes a book a current best seller. I've read some that I really liked and some I couldn't figure out why people would read it. I haven't read "Fifty Shades of Grey" yet. I know it's provoked many interesting conversations. Some people loved it and read all three books and others couldn't figured out what the fuss was all about.

People read to get a glimpse into other lives, escape the reality of their own life, or read for knowledge.  Or sometimes to read other's blogs!  

People have been reading since society learned how to non-verbally communicate.  We've just advanced in our publishing methods!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, August 3, 2012

Window stickers

Traveling as much as we do, I notice alot of random things on cars. I don't understand the little stick family figures that people put on their rear windows.  Who are they advertising their family to?
My question is for my family, how would I show it on my window?  My boys are 6'5" and 6'6" so would I get two boys figures and one dad or three dadsized ones?  For Koal, he's not a normal sized dog, so would I get a horse figure? People refer to him as a bear. (There was recently a tweet about a neighbor seeing the neighborhood bear being walked)  Are there bear stickers?   Now they have some showing professions. Would I get a mom with a briefcase for me? I like to think of myself as a professional, but I don't carry a briefcase.

How about the Mickey Mouse ears? I think the boys would have had a problem with that, even 10 years ago!

I think about possible safety issues also, showing the world who your family is on the back of your car, as it drives to your house.

I think I'll stick with our empty winodws.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick-Fil-A Day

I received this link and thought I'd pass it along.

Personally, I respect Chick-Fil-A for their open opinions. I respect that they are willing to stand behind their beliefs, whether it be closing on Sundays and losing millions of dollars a year or expressing their opposition to gay marriage.

Why are people so angry with them? I'm glad that they are willing to take a stand, especially in a society of wishy washy people. Being politically correct isn't always the right way to be. 

So have an opinion, even if others don't feel the same way. And I'm supporting Chick-Fil-A in their stand.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, July 30, 2012


Why are air fare prices so variable?  When I flew Spirit Air from Myrtle Beach, I upgraded to their version of First Class for $25 more for a total of $75.  Why is it now $230?  Gas prices seem to be dropping. But why don't the air fares?  Checking prices between airlines, they are everywhere from $230-1,009. Obviously I didn't book the $1009.  Every time I fly, the planes are sold out or very close to it.  So why are they in such financial straits?  As for paying for checked baggage, they are now causing their own problems with everyone carrying on board. Most of the time, the overhead bins are full before half of the passengers are even on the plane.

We loved using Direct Air from Pittsburgh to Myrtle Beach out of Pittsburgh International. You could buy Family Ties vouchers for up to $139 round trip and use them whenever you wanted. The planes were always full. But they went bankrupt this past spring, leaving many people with unused vouchers. Fortunately, Chase refunded all of our money for the unused vouchers, within a day of my phone call. I don't know all credit card companies were so easy to deal with.

Gone too are the days of free drinks and snacks, unless you are in First Class. I know people think it sounds snooty when I say we fly First Class, but with everyone being 6'4" and taller, standard seats don't really fit our legs or bodies, even for me.  For $25-50 more, it's well worth it.  I'm often surprised more people don't upgrade.

So far, we don't have any stories of being left sitting on the tarmac for 5 hours at a time. (We do have stories of late luggage and torn suitcases)  Maybe if that ever happens (the sitting on the tarmac), my opinion of flying will be changed forever.

    Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dog Leash Cover

Well, I've been working on another project.

One day, walking Koal, I was thinking of a new pet product, something that was different and unique.  I had a bunch of ideas run through my head and then I thought of custom dog leash covers.  Since Koal is so big and furry, you can't see his collar or even a bandana, so I thought of the leash cover.  Doing some research, I couldn't find anything similar.  There were custom leashes, made in different patterns, I personally wouldn't want a bunch of different leashes around my house.

The leash cover is designed with the big dogs in mind. It fits a 60"L - 1"W leash. They velcro at the top and the bottom so they stay in place.  They are washable and removable so you can change with the seasons or occasions.

This one I made with Seton Hill colors in mind.

This was my first demo

Koal modeling for me

Example of the cover

I created an Etsy store, for handmade and hand crafted items.

Please visit the store and give me some feedback. I'd love to know what everyone thinks. It still needs some modifications.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, July 16, 2012

Bunko 3

We had another enjoyable Bunko night. Patty's new living room and hard wood floors are gorgeous. The snacks were great and everyone loved their prizes.
Being that Patty is our favorite chocolatier, she made these delicious mousse with Lindt chocolate. One was chocolate mousse and the other a white cookies and cream type mousse.  I loved the white mousse. 

Here's the recipe for the Stracciatella (White chocolate) Mousse

3 bars (3.5 oz each) Lindt Swiss classic white chocolate, chopped
1 bar ( 3.5 oz) Lindt excellence 85% cocoa dark chocolate, chopped
3 TBS rum (or if preferred, hot water)

2 cups heavy cream
4 egg yolks

1. Melt the chopped white chocolate, add the rum and stir until smooth paste is formed. Add a little hot water if the paste is too stiff. Set aside.
2. In a separate bowl, whip the cream and reserve in refrigerator.
3. In a separate bowl, whip the egg yolks.
4. Add the white chocolate to the egg yolks and mix until combined.
5. Fold in the whipped cream.
6. Fold in the dark chocolate.
7. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerator a minimum of 6 hours.

It is easy and wonderful!!

Thanks Patty

Seems as though "others" want to know what this Bunko is all about. There were tweets about the Baldwin moms hanging out together. The boys are inquiring about this night out and exactly, what do we do. I think we'll leave our secrets with us.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today is an important day in movie history.

When I watched that movie originally, 2012 was a long time into the future.  Wow - It sure does make me feel old.  Thanks Nash!!!

It's funny watching it with the kids. I know we've watched all three movies many times.  And one of our favorite rides at Universal Studios was Back to the Future.

Maybe we can play a game of '80s movies instead of Bunko some night. Maybe I might know some answers.

**** I've been played. I didn't  know that this is wasn' true.  It's actually a date in 2015.  Thanks George.   Anyhow, it made for an interesting topic today. ****

So here's to movie history....     

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Boy, has this been a ridiculously hot summer or what!!!

It is hot from the North to South and East to West.  When is it ever going to cool down, even if only down into the 80's?  Now I understand "the dog days of summer". You really don't want to do any thing that  causes exertion. You can't even walk outside without perspiring, or like some of us, sweating. No wonder people are getting really miserable and crabby everywhere.

Koal has the right idea!

I truly feel sorry for people without air conditioning. You never get a chance to cool down your body. On top of things, the storms that have been popping up everywhere and knocking out power, are compounding everything.  We were without power on the 4th of July for 14 hours. The house was just starting to get hot when the power came back on.  Most towns and cities have cooling stations set up for people without air. That's really important for senior citizens and little kids.

I found this article.    


They can hug their trees. I'm going to hug my air conditioner.

   Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Sunday, July 8, 2012


We were out to breakfast at the beach this week and a mom was taking her son out of the restaurant. On the way, she was scolding him for his behavior, saying the other people eating didn't want hear his misbehavior.  It started a conversation with Joe and I.

It's tough being a parent. Sometimes, you really don't know what the right thing to do is so you try you best and hope the kids don't end up in therapy because of you.  But vacations are especially tough.  There's expectations, exhaustion, staying up later, etc.  I think in this boys's case, it was just a total emotional breakdown. It was Sunday morning so they probably got there the day before, ran to the beach when they got here, was outside in 98 degrees heat, went out to dinner, and stayed up later than bedtime were all factors in his meltdown. Then you throw the parent's expectations into the mix too.

We always tried, when the kids were little, to make sure we kept some sense of schedule with them on vacation. We'd let them sleep in if we were up late. Whenever we went to Disney, we did a day in the park and a day off, just to swim in the pool and be kids.  That always seemed to work well. I know some people who go into the parks in the morning, swim and relax in the afternoon and go back at night. That would work well too.

I remember one vacation in Cape May, it was really hot the entire week and we all ended up taking naps in the late afternoon after coming off of the beach and before going to dinner.  It was good for the boys and us too. We all remember that as a great vacation and everyone remembers the naps too.

So when you're away with little ones, remember that they are half your size, so if you are starting to feel cranky and overloaded, chances are they are too.

   Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, July 2, 2012


When the boys asked if Joe and I wanted to go to the Kenny Chesney concert with them, we, of course, said  yes. When two college kids ask their parents go to somewhere, that's pretty exciting. Even though, for us, it's fairly typical. 

The concert was on Saturday. We had a great time even though it was 97 degrees out.  I sat under the bed cover of the truck for most of the afternoon to get out of the sun.  Of course, it was popped up.  The parking authority wasn't allowing any tents to be set up. 

I wasn't real sure what to expect. The tailgating was crazy. The people, cars, and alcohol was outrageous.  I don't think I've ever seen so many cutoff jean shorts in one place before. 

Chesney refused to come to Pittsburgh a few years ago because of all of the trash the tailgaters left.  So this year, they handed out recycle bags to the cars as they drove into the parking lots.  The theory was good. Most people cleaned up after themselves before going into the stadium. There were blue recycle and trash bags in the parking lot. The problem was leaving the parking lots. There was nowhere to put the bags, if you weren't parked against a guardrail or fence like we were. We put our bags behind the guard rail. But for those people in the center of the lots, the bags got ran over by cars and trucks leaving the parking lots. The city should have had some one come by in a truck when everyone was in the concert and picked up the bags.

The concert was fun.  Both McGraw and Chesney were great entertainers. They seem to really enjoy what they do for a living.  Won't that be great if we all felt that way.

You have to enjoy people watching when you go to an event such as this. There are too many stories to even write about - Between the sunburns so bad that they look purple, to people sleeping in pool of garbage, and people generally having a good time.

When they come back to town next July 4 weekend, I'm sure we'll be in the stadium again. Hopefully, it won't be 97 degrees out again.

     Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Fran had sent me this link for Duquense Light and their Watt Choices program.  I'm not sure if other utility companies are offering something similiar.  After completing their 10 minutes energy audit, they had suggestions for saving energy. Most of them were pretty typical.  After completing the survey, they will also send you a energy saving package. What I received in the mail after 7-10 days was 4 of the new light bulbs, 2 night nights, and a great power surge protector.

It was well worth my 10 minutes.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Beach 2

This weekend was World Ocean Day. I thought the photos on the site were very interesting. It makes you think about how our actions effect the environment.

plastic in ocean
Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic. Broken down bits of plastic the size of a fingernail are floating across thousands of miles of open ocean, and are ingested by fish, birds and other animals. Love the ocean and reduce your plastic consumption. See the following for more pictures and the remaining article

If you enjoy the beach, you might like this website too. Check out the stores on the site. They have some really neat and funky beach items.  I might be spending some money decorating. There's a lot of craft ideas also. I have some ideas that I think I'll be making.  Too bad I don't have a summer Bunko night because I think I know what the theme would be.

Thanks Crystal for sending me the link.

Talking about crafts, I saw that TLC is going to have a new show - Crafters Wars.  Really- that was my idea. I think we should all nominate Terry U to be on the show. I would be willing to be her assistant. The blurb on TV didn't show too much but I would be curious to see what the show is all about.

  Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, June 8, 2012


I was in DSW shoes last week and bought a great pair of boots on sale for more than 50% off and a purse for a function we were attending. I really didn't like the purse but thought I'd get it anyway in case I didn't find something I liked better.  And of course, I had a coupon. Actually it was a $10 rewards coupon. 

I decided to return the purse the next day. The cashier informed me that I would not be getting my entire purchase price back but less part of the reward coupon or $4.70 less.  I said her that it was ridiculous since the rewards coupon should have been taken off the bottom line not a % if each item. She told me that in the future, if I think I might return an item, I should ring the purchases up separately.

While I was in line, I was talking to the next customer, who also had a return. She agreed, saying that had she known the return policy, she would have had the cashier ring her items up separately.  Being irritated at the entire situation, I pondered returning the boots at a later date, but figured I'd spend $5 in gas to prove a point which the company really has no plans of changing. 

I could understand if it was a coupon for a % off of purchase, but when it's a rewards coupon, it's more of an incentive for you to buy.

I  emailed DSW my opinion, and surprisingly, weeks later, I heard back from them.  They stated that it was an individual store policy and I should talk to the store manager.

Another lesson learned.

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I just spent a long weekend with the boys down at the beach. Every time I walk into the house, I say that I love this place. Between the sun  sand, and laid back attitude, I wonder why we don't live year round. Yes, I would miss family and friends but I think I would be a happier person. Something about waking up when it's sunny and warm out as compared to rainy and dreary in Pittsburgh. I have to admit that I don't like the really hot weather. 80 and sunny is perfect for me.

Everyone knows that  exercise isn't one of my favorite things to do. Something about being hot and sweaty... 

For years, I've been saying that we should get bikes. For Christmas, the boys all bought me a pink beach bike for the beach.  We also decided to get the boys beach bikes. We thought that it was going to be hard to find them. First we tried Walmart and they had all kinds of beach bikes. We were so excited.

Now we go on daily bike rides throughout the neighborhood. It doesn't feel like exercise at all!!


This is our house.

One of our favoritve places is to sit under the house, especially at night. It always has a nice breeze blowing

This is our walk to the ocean.
Not too bad. The golf cart (or beach bikes!) makes it faster!


Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an

American Dream Family.....


Friday, June 1, 2012


The Post office has been running commercials on TV about how great the US Postal Service is and how they want to sustain jobs. I thought it was interesting since they are considering closing so many of the stores. But with email and faxes, I guess less mail is going thru the post office.

Maybe the cuts are due to the poor service the postal workers give. The Counter people are crabby and less than enthusiastic at our local branch.  I have never understood the theory behind "going postal". It's climate controlled and what stress. I'm sure they have their share of demanding customers, but really, how bad could they be!  I do feel for the mail carriers out in the weather and climate. But they knew that was part of the job duties when they signed up for that job. 

There are fewer and fewer neighborhood mailboxes around. You have to drive to the post office to mail a letter. Some mail carriers won't even take mail that you leave out in your mailbox for them. I recently had a letter returned with 1 cent postage due. It was a normal envelope with two pieces of paper. I was going to question the Post Office why it was returned but the line at the counter was out the door.  I pulled the yellow postage due sticker off and re-sent it. It hasn't come back again yet.  Another time, an envelope was returned because I sent it First class instead of Parcel post. Sorry I paid the extra money for quicker service.

We've all gotten envelopes torn to shreds. Machines to blame.  At our office, sometimes the mailman will just put all of the tenants mail in one mail box, leaving us to sort it all.

We know alot of people who work for the post office. Yes, we feel bad that some of them have had to leave their families and move to other parts of the country to keep their Federal jobs. And I'm sure many of the carriers are wonderful and care about their jobs.  But apparently, there are some major issues. 

Would the services be better if it was a privately or publicly held company instead of government run?

  Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Saturday, May 26, 2012

S'More Cupcakes

I found this cupcake recipe and wanted to try it out on the guys.  I had to sample it and it sure was tasty. Definitely not low cal though.

It's so hot today. Probably not the best day to be baking and heating up the house. The kitchen got so warm that I frosted the cupckes in the dining room. But it still was so warm in there that all of my icing started melting off of the cupcakes.  When it cools down some, I'll post pictures, if I can get my icing to stay on the cupcake and look pretty!

S’Mores Cupcakes
1 box chocolate food cake mix
1 ½ c crushed graham crackers
¼ c sugar
5 TBS butter, melted
5  (1.55 oz each) Milk Chocolate bars
2 c mini marshmallows
For Icing:
1 c butter, softened (2 sticks)
2 c marshmallow fluff (1 jar 7 oz)
4 c powdered sugar
4 TBS milk

1.      Heat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare 24 muffin cups with paper liner.
2.      In medium bowl, combine graham crackers, melted butter, and sugar. Spoon one tablespoon amount of graham cracker mixture into each liner and press down to form crust. Bake the crusts for 5 minutes.
3.      Prepare cake mix as directed on package.
4.      Pour batter into the graham cracker crusted muffin cups. Bake as directed on package. Remove from oven. Let cool in muffin pans for 5 minutes. Remove and place on wire racks.
5.       While the cupcakes are baking, break the chocolate bars into piece and place in a microwavable bowl.  Melt in microwave on 50% power for 30 seconds. Stir and continue melting for 30 seconds, until melted.
6.      Spoon 1 TBS of chocolate on top of each cupcake, spreading to cover. The cupcakes will still be warm.
7.      Chill cupcakes in fridge until chocolate is set.
8.      For the icing: Mix butter and fluff until smooth on medium speed with an electric mixer.  Slowly add powdered sugar with mixer on low.  Add milk and increase speed to medium and mix until combined and smooth.
9.      When chocolate is set, frost cupcakes.
10.  Reheat and drizzle with remaining chocolate, if desired.
11. (I didn't do this part, but I'm sure it would add to the athenticity of the S'More)  To toast the marshmallows, spread marshmallows on a baking sheet. Turn oven to broil. When oven is ready, place baking sheet on top rack. Toast marshmallows under broiler for 15 seconds. They toast very quickly. Remove from oven and garnish cupcakes.

Hope you enjoy!

Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

No testing on animals

While I was washing my hair, I noticed that the shampoo manufacturer claims that it never tests its products on animals.  Intrigued, I did a quick research on how a company can have such a claim and the product still be safe for humans.  I am not an advocate for cruelty to animals, but I don't want to use a product that could harm humans either.

After researching, and of course, it depends on whose website you are reading, there are companies that use all ingredients haven't been tested and some that do not test the final product on animals. There are also sophisticated alternatives like Episkin®, artificial human skin that can replace some animal tests in a fraction of the time and cost. Of course, the sites appeal to your passion, showing the cutest little bunnies. Honestly, I chose not to read most of the articles because of the details of the animal's treatment.

This weekend, I watched "Water for Elephants". While the movie condensed the book, it really didn't address the treatment of animals by the circus (of the past).  There was a part of the movie where an elephant was beat with a hooked probe.  I thought it was so disturbing.

So I guess the question I'm laying out here is what line do we cross when it comes to animals?  I think I'll be looking more closely at the list of cruelty-free products. And give Koal a big hug!


       Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bunko 2

Last night was our monthly Bunko night and as always, we had a great time.  Bunko is one of those games that anyone can play and it takes no skill. The first time I play I told the boys that I had found the perfect game for me.  The only advantage of scoring well is for the end of game prizes. 

Cindy did a wonderful job with the outdoor theme lights as prizes.  We really enjoyed the Rita's Italian Ice and tequila/vodka/rum drinks. What a great idea!  And her kitchen was gorgeous.

We, of course, had tons of laughs. Something about Gretchen's bucket list and J.Lo.   Don't ask- you really don't want to know.

Congrats to Tina on quitting smoking. We are all proud of you.

We missed Terry U. Hope all of the prom goers appreciate your efforts.

With summer coming, we'll be missing people because of vacations and other commitments. I'll try to keep you updated on the Bunko antics.


      Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

National Chocolate Chip Day

Today is National Chocolate Chip Day. Who wouldn't love this day!

In the 1930s, Ruth Graves Wakefield created the original chocolate chip cookie at her Toll House Inn in Whitman, Massachusetts. Ruth intended to bake chocolate cookies for her guests, but she ran out of baker’s chocolate. She substituted with chopped up semi-sweet chocolate morsels and discovered that the pieces did not melt into the dough as she expected. Today, 25% of all the cookies baked in the United States are chocolate chip!

It's another case of why didn't I think of that!

So bake (or run to the bakery) for a batch of Chocolate Chip cookies. Or try something new like Chocolate Chip Cookie dough cupcakes (I just found a recipe I'll be trying)

Remember - Chocolate makes everything taste better

May 19 is National Devil's Food cake Day - What a great month

       Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Monday, May 14, 2012


People told me to enjoy the boys while they were little. And that they grow up so fast. 

Well, it's so true.  Cody has his first year of college in. And Nash graduated from college on Saturday. He looked so handsome in his cap and gown. I'm so proud of him. It's been an amazing four years. I remember dropping him off at the dorms the first day of college and being teary -eyed all of the way home. Every time Joe would try to be nice to me, I would just start crying.  Looking back, I wonder why I was so upset. I guess the fact that you are leaving your child as someone else's responsibility. You hope that you raised them to make the best decisions that they can. And ultimately, you hope that they will still need you. Even though, rationally, you know that they have to grow up and move out some time in their life.

We are so proud of you Nash!   Here's to your future, Mr Mathematician

  Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

To all of the moms out there, Happy Mother's Day to you. I hope you get to spend time with your family and if you can't, I hope that you are in their thoughts today.

Enjoy the day. The laundry will wait (and keep piling up). The cleaning doesn't matter - what's one more day.  Do something that you enjoy doing -read the Sunday paper or a book. Do your nails, if you don't get a spa gift certificate. Take time for yourself.  Or do whatever it is that you and your family like to do. Go for a walk, go to Kennywood, or sit around and just talk. It's amazing what you learn when you do. Whatever "IT" is, just have fun doing it.

Have a Great Day!

Love you Gigi!


Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Love your family

Thank you for all of the calls and messages last week.  Situations such as this makes you realize how precious life is.  Give your kids an extra hug and kiss. And always tell them that you love them

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Friends 2

This weekend, Joe and I made a 6 state driving loop.  On Saturday, we were at Colby's game in Columbus. Spent the night in Beckley, WV then drove to Charlotte to Nate's game. From there, drove to Myrtle Beach for the night and drove back home on Monday. That was a whole lot of driving. But just smelling the ocean air was worth it!!

During the week, I kept meaning to call my friend, Helene, who lives in Charlotte. I sent her a text Saturday morning and I was so happy that she responded. So we met for lunch in Charlotte Saturday afternoon, on our way to Nate's game.  It was so nice catching up on life.

Helene and I have been friends since we were in first grade. Our birthday's are the same day. We were born in the same hospital just a few hours apart. I don't remember which one of us is the oldest! Even though, she has traveled and lived all over the US and out of the country, when we get together, it's like we were never apart. Why are some friends like that and others, if you don't talk to them for so long, you have nothing to talk about. The only thing I've always regretted in our relationship was that I didn't make it to her wedding. She was married two months after us. Joe was stationed in California and we didn't know what was going to happen from day to day with him. Also, we didn't have the extra money for me to fly back to Pittsburgh. So I never made it to the wedding.  Maybe that was a omen! (just kidding Helene.)

So, every time we part ways, we say we need to get together more often and stay in touch better. But even if its another 6 months before we talk again, we always know it will be just like old times when we do.

So appreciate the friends that you have and make the best of the times you spend together.


   Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....

Friday, April 27, 2012

Mood swings

Recently there was a story about a kindergartner who was removed from school in handcuffs and placed in the back of a police car. Apparently, she was totally out of control and was taken to the principals office. There, she broke things, jumped on a shredder, and stood on a picture frame. Then she was chewing on the doorknob. Administration said she was removed in handcuffs for her safety and the safety of others. She wasn't charged with anything because of her age - She was 6. Her mom is outraged saying she suffers from mood swings. Wow. How about some parental discipline.

If you were that administrator, what would you have done? I think the police was a bit extreme but maybe that's what someone like her needs. I'm not sure if she was a special needs student or not. That wasn't addressed. That may hold some answers to the questions if she was.  If she wasn't, her behavior was inexcusable. Hey- we all have bad days but that's no excuse for out of control kids and adults.

Can women use mood swings as an excuse for crazy behavior? I don't think so. Sure wish we could,
 though, because it would explain a lot.

   Until next time, when I continue the rantings and ravings of a mom of an
American Dream Family.....